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NBA season starts with 3-on-3 game

The 2010-11 NBA season is slated to start on October 26, 2010 with what some are believing to be a 3-on-3 game. The new/young Big 3 of the Miami Heat against the old/aged Big 3 of the Boston Celtics. The game will be played in Boston, although there were rumors of it being in Miami, the Celtics brass complained to the Association that a defending Eastern Conference Champion should not have to open the season on the road, and of coursed David Stern and his henchmen conceded to the Celts. Now I admittedly have a LOT of vested interest in this game because as all my friends know my favorite team is the Boston Celtics and my second favorite team is the Miami Heat. My favorite player is Dwyane Wade and my second favorite player is Rajon Rondo. So this is essentially a pick-em game for me. I won’t go through breaking down the matchups just yet because we have a LOT of time before the tip-off, but this is going to be a BIG one!!! Leave it to David Stern to start the season off trying to capitalize on prime time dollars in advertising and TV revenues. TNT, of course, gets the game because let’s be honest, they’re commentating and overall packaging and programming trumps anything ESPN and ABC can manage to put together. This may be a new trend, at least in the Eastern Conference, this whole 3-on-3 thing, I mean because does anyone really NOT expect CP3 and Melo to join Stoudemire in NYC forming, the OTHER Big-3??? #imjustsaying

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