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Bron-Bron is thankful….sort of….

And in today’s big SCREW YOU moment, we have your boy Bron-Bron taking out a full page ad in the Akron Beacon Journal thanking the citizens of Akron for their support while he was a Cav, BUT there is NO mention whatsoever of C-town. As can be expected the citizens of C-town are LIVID! Cleveland-fan once again gets the shaft…I really don’t think Cavs-fan really cares to get any thank you or apology from Bron-Bron. I really love how Bron-Bron really just continues to give a big SCREW YOU to C-town and Cavs-fan over and OvEr and OVER again!!! Can someone PLEASE get Bron-Bron off of Cavs-fan because he just REFUSES to let up on them!!!

Just in case you were wondering, the Miami Heat play the Cavs IN CLEVELAND on December 2nd….hope Bron-Bron doesn’t forget to wear the bullet-proof uniform!!!

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